In early 2023, a mining company operating in northwest Australia experienced an unexpected breakdown of a critical piece of equipment, which threatened to halt production at their site.
Background story: In early 2023, a mining company operating in northwest Australia experienced an unexpected breakdown of a critical piece of equipment, which threatened to halt production at their site. The company quickly realized that they needed a spare part from a manufacturer located in Belgium in order to get the equipment back online.
Solution (OBC): Given the urgency of the situation, the mining company engaged the services of an On Board Courier to transport the spare part from Belgium to their site in northwest Australia. The MYOBC operations team immediately arranged for a courier to pick up the spare part from the manufacturer’s facility in Belgium.
The courier took the shipment immediately to the nearest airport where an OBC was ready to board the first commercial flight to Australia. Upon arrival at the airport in northwest Australia, the courier was met by a team from the mining company, who quickly transported the spare part to the mine site.
Result: Thanks to the fast and efficient delivery by MYOBC, the mining company was able to get the critical equipment back online as fast as possible and resume production at their site. The entire process, from the initial request to the delivery of the spare part, took just 29 hours.
Conclusion: This successful case study highlights the importance of having reliable and efficient logistics partners, such as an On Board Courier, when dealing with critical spare part deliveries in remote locations.